Wednesday, April 4, 2012

♥Ξ♥[STAR FR!ENDS]♥Ξ♥ Fw: Du'a: Invocation in Light of the Noble Qur'an (Urdu/English)

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From: quraishi <>


Assalamu Alaikum waRahmatullahi waBarkatuh!


Invocation in Light of the Noble Qur'an

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

* Du'a *

(in Light of the Noble Qur'an)

And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.
{Surah-2 Al-Baqrah ~ Ayah 186}

Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors.

And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; Surely, Allah's Mercy is (ever) near unto the good­doers.
{Surah-7 Al-A'raf ~ Ayah 55 & 56}

And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful.
{Surah-7 Al-A'raf ~ Ayah 205}

Say (O Muhammad ): "Invoke Allah or invoke the Most Beneficent (Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him (it is the same), for to Him belong the Best Names. And offer your Salat (prayer) neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between.
{Surah-17 Al-Isra' ~ Ayah 110}

Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember!
{Surah-7 An-Naml ~ Ayah 62}

It is He, Who shows you His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and sends down (rain with which grows) provision for you from the sky. And none remembers but those who turn (to Allah) in obedience and in repentance (by begging His Pardon and by worshiping and obeying Him Alone and none else).

So, call you (O Muhammad and the believers) upon (or invoke) Allah making (your) worship pure for Him (Alone) (by worshiping none but Him and by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allah's sake only and not to show-off and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). However much the disbelievers (in the Oneness of Allah) may hate (it). {Surah-40 Ghafir or Al-Mu'min ~ Ayah 13 & 14}

And turn not away those who invoke their Lord, morning and afternoon seeking His Face. You are accountable for them in nothing, and they are accountable for you in nothing, that you may turn them away, and thus become of the Zalimûn (unjust).
{Surah-6 Al-An'am ~ Ayah 52}

32. And wish not for the things in which Allah has made some of you to excel others. For men there is reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is Ever All ­Knower of everything.
{Surah-4 An-Nisa' ~ Ayah 32}

Recent Activity:
    ((( Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem )))

~ Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have success.(Qur'an, 3:104)

~ They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and compete in doing good. They are among the righteous.(Qur'an, 3:114)

~ If you avoid the serious wrong actions you have been forbidden, We will erase your bad actions from you and admit you by a Gate of Honour.(Qur'an, 4:31)

~ Help one another in birr (righteousness, virtue), and taqwa (piety, fear of Allah, God-consciousness), and do not help one another in sinning and transgression. And fear and revere Allah; verily, Allah is severe in punishment.(Qur'an, 5:2)

~ You who believe! Have fear of Allah and seek the means of drawing near to Him and strive in His way,so that hopefully you'll be successful. (Qur'an, 5:35)

~ Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then repent to Him. He will let you enjoy a good life until a specified time, and will give His favour to all who merit it. But if you turn your backs, I fear for you the punishment of a Mighty Day.(Qur'an, 11:3)

~ Strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the religion-the religion of your forefather Ibrahim. He named you Muslims before and also in this, so that the Messenger could be witness against you and you could be witnesses against all mankind. So perform prayer and give alms and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector-the Best Protector, the Best Helper. (Qur'an, 22:78)

   (((Subhan-Allahi Wa-Bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil Azeem)))


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