Monday, April 30, 2012

♥Ξ♥[STAR FR!ENDS]♥Ξ♥ Fw: Sayyidul Istighfar: The best way of asking Allah for forgiveness (Urdu/Eng)

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From: quraishi <>


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuh!

Sayyidul Istighfaar

The most superior way of asking for
forgiveness from Allah

Listen to Sayyidul Istighfaar

Narrated Shaddad bin Aus (Radi'Allahu anhu):
The Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wasallam)

"The most superior way of asking
for forgiveness from Allah is:


Allahumma Anta Rabbi
La'ilaha illa Anta Khalaqtani
wa ana abduka wa ana ala ahdika
wa wa'dika mastaata'tu,
aoozubika min sharri ma sana'tu
aboou-Laka-bini'matika alayya
wa aboou bizambi faghfirli
fa'innahu la yaghfiruz zunooba illa Anta."

[ "O Allah! You are my Lord.
There is no God except You.
You created me and I am Your slave.
To the best of my ability,
I will abide by my covenant and pledge to You.
I seek Your protection from the evil of my own creation.
I acknowledge Your favors to me and I admit my sins.
So please forgive me
for no one can forgive sins except You."

The Prophet (Sall'Allahu alaihi wasallam)

"If somebody recites it during the day
with firm faith in it,
and dies on the same day before the evening,
he will be from the people of Paradise;
and if somebody recites it at night
with firm faith in it,
and dies before the morning,
he will be from the people of Paradise."

Bukhari,Volume 8, Book 75, Number 318.
Please check out the link below
and watch the video of this precious Hadith:

Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani
wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni !

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me!

Please take a moment to forgive me for all mistakes
and make du`a' for me if you have received anything of benefit.

Share this POST with maximum number of people you can.
Guiding one soul to knowledge and faith
is a momentous achievement.
It is what will earn us great blessings.
(Insha Allah)

Jazak Allahu khairan !
With kind & humble regards,
Umm Safoora

Our Lord! grant us good in this world
and good in the hereafter,
and save us from the chastisement of the fire

Click here to Listen Sayyidul Istighfaar

Please check out the link below
and watch the video of this precious Hadith:


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    ((( Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem )))

~ Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have success.(Qur'an, 3:104)

~ They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and compete in doing good. They are among the righteous.(Qur'an, 3:114)

~ If you avoid the serious wrong actions you have been forbidden, We will erase your bad actions from you and admit you by a Gate of Honour.(Qur'an, 4:31)

~ Help one another in birr (righteousness, virtue), and taqwa (piety, fear of Allah, God-consciousness), and do not help one another in sinning and transgression. And fear and revere Allah; verily, Allah is severe in punishment.(Qur'an, 5:2)

~ You who believe! Have fear of Allah and seek the means of drawing near to Him and strive in His way,so that hopefully you'll be successful. (Qur'an, 5:35)

~ Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then repent to Him. He will let you enjoy a good life until a specified time, and will give His favour to all who merit it. But if you turn your backs, I fear for you the punishment of a Mighty Day.(Qur'an, 11:3)

~ Strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the religion-the religion of your forefather Ibrahim. He named you Muslims before and also in this, so that the Messenger could be witness against you and you could be witnesses against all mankind. So perform prayer and give alms and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector-the Best Protector, the Best Helper. (Qur'an, 22:78)

   (((Subhan-Allahi Wa-Bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil Azeem)))


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