Sunday, July 15, 2012

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ *NEVER HAS A BETTER MONTH ARRIVED FOR BELIEVERS*{1st Khutbah}*SUPERB*‘No one knows the reward of fasting Except ALLAH` [Bukhaari`Muslim`Al-Bayhaqi`Tirmithi

'Alhamduli'Allahi Rabbil-'Aalameen
wa-Salaatu wa-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa-e-wal-Mursaleen~ Amma ba'd'
'Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu'.

Virtues of the Month of Ramadhaan

First Khutbah!!!
O Muslims! Fear Allaah and obey Him!~
I give you glad tidings as the month of Ramadhaan is approaching.
This is the month in which the Qur'aan was revealed as a guidance for mankind,
as well as a clarification and differentiation between truth and falsehood.
During this month, the gates of mercy are opened and the gates of hell are sealed.
Satan and all other jinn are chained during this blessed month.
Rewards for good deeds performed in this month are multiplied,
sins forgiven and supplications responded to and answered.
It is the month of perseverance, mercy, compassion and charity.
The Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
was asked which was the best type of charity,
he [sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
replied, "The charity of Ramadhaan ...
(or given duringRamadhaan). (Tirmithi)
Salmaan Al-Faarisi,
[may Allaah be pleased with him]
reported that the Prophet
[ sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
gave a speech on the last day of Sha'baan, and said:-
"O people! You are being approached by a great and blessed month.
A month which contains a night that is better than one thousand months.
Allaah made fasting within it an obligation and made praying in that night an optional act of worship.
He who performs any righteous voluntary act within it, will be rewarded like one who does an obligatory act at any time other than during Ramadhaan.
"He who performs an obligatory act of worship within it will be rewarded like he who performs seventy~[70] acts of worship at any time outside this month.
It is the month of perseverance - and perseverance is rewarded with Jannah {PARADISE}
It is the month of compassion, in which the sustenance of a believer increases.
He who feeds a fasting person within this month has his sins forgiven and he will be protected and released from the hellfire. He also gets the reward of that person's fasting without decreasing the reward of the fasting person."
Then the companions~
[may Allaah be pleased with them] said:-
'O messenger of Allaah! Not all of us can find the extra food needed to feed another fasting person'.
So the Prophet [sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
"Allaah will give you the reward of feeding a fasting person even if you were to give him just a sip of milk, a date, or a sip of water. He who feeds a fasting person until he is full, Allaah will make him drink out of my river, a sip of which will never allow him to be thirsty until he enters Jannah."
Then he continued
"...This is the month the beginning of which is mercy,
the middle part is forgiveness
and the last part of it is release from hellfire."
So, pay attention, may Allaah be merciful to you all.
Pay attention!
O believers, to the speech of the Prophet{ sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam }
in which he gave glad tidings of the month of Ramadhaan to his companions and informed them of its virtues and how the reward of righteous deeds performed therein is multiplied.
Indeed, it is a great and blessed month.
The Prophet [sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ]said..
referring to the month of Ramadhaan~
"Never has a better month arrived
for the believers and never has a worse month come to pass for the hypocrites."
Abu Hurayrah, [may Allaah be pleased with him]
narrated that the Prophet
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam] said:-
"All the (rewards of the) deeds of the son of Aadam are for him, (he is aware that) the reward of performing them will be multiplied by ten to seven-hundred times. Allaah has said:-
'Except for fasting, as it is for Me.
I shall reward it.
(i.e. I will decide what the reward will be)
This is because the fasting person leaves his desires, food and drink purely for My sake.'
The fasting person has two times of great pleasure: once when he breaks his fast and the other when he meets his Lord.
The smell emanating from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the
scale of Allaah than the smell of musk".
The Prophet ~
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
referred to Ramadhaan as the 'month
of perseverance' due to the necessity
of perseverance and patience during this month.
Due to this, as well as the suffering from the pain of hunger, thirst and weakness of the body due to fasting,
'Abdullaah Ibn 'Umar~ [may Allaah be pleased with him]
reported that~
the Prophet
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]
'No one knows the reward of
fasting except Allaah'.
The reward for righteous deeds varies due to different reasons, for example, due to the sanctity of specific places such as Makkah and Madeenah.
The Prophet ~
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]said:-
'Praying in my Masjid is one thousand times[ 1000 ] greater (in reward)
than prayer elsewhere -
except for Al-Masjid Al-Haraam
[in Makkah]
Among the virtues of this blessed month is that the reward for good deeds is multiplied by up to seven hundred times, [700] for those who purify their intentions and perform their actions purely for the sake of Allaah –
such as those who spend in charity from their wealth, provided that their wealth comes from lawful means.
Allaah only accepts charity which is from Halaal (lawful) means.
The Prophet
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam] said :-
'Allaah accepts charity with His Right Hand and then increases it in reward for the person giving it, just like one of you raises his colt, until the reward for it becomes the size of a mountain'.
(Bukhaari & Muslim)
Anas ibn Maalik, [may Allaah be pleased with him]
narrated that the Prophet
[sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam] said:-
'Charity extinguishes the anger of the Lord and protects the giver of it from an evil end'.



Y a s m i n.

"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever}
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour"
{'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 }

'Wasting time is Worse than Death!

Because Death Separates you from this World

Whereas wasting Time Separates you from Allah'.

Ibn Qayimm Al-Jawziyyah.

I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground!
The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind,
Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!

'Insha Allah'!

' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone.

{Al-Hasan Al-Basree}

پاکستان کسی بھی پاکستانی کے لئے اللہ کی سب سے بڑی نعمتوں میں سے ایک ہے. آج ہم جو بھی ہے یہ سب اس وجہ پاکستان کی ہے ، دوسری صورت میں ، ہم کچھ بھی نہیں ہوتا. براہ مہربانی پاکستان کے لئے مخلص ہو.
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Muhammad Shoaib Tanoli
Karachi Pakistan
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