Thursday, July 12, 2012

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From: Mohd Khaja <>
Date: 10 July 2012 13:59
Subject: [tanzeemhumhindustani] FW: Islam Q&A website -1433 AH




From: Sheikh M. Nasrullah []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 4:01 PM
To: Sheikh M. Nasrullah
Subject: Islam Q&A website -1433 AH





Al-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu

(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings).

Welcome to the e-mail list of the Islam Q&A website. There follows a list of today's new question

1.    Is it permissible for him to marry the daughter of his wife's sister after she dies


There is a man who married the daughter of his wife's sister after she died. What is the ruling on that?.

Praise be to Allaah.


It is permissible for a man to marry the daughter of his wife's sister after his wife dies, because what is haraam is to be married to the girl and her maternal or paternal aunt at the same time. But as the maternal aunt has died, what is forbidden no longer applies, which is being married to her and her maternal aunt at the same time. So there is nothing wrong with his marrying her in that case. 

It says in Tanqeeh al-Fataawa al-Haamidiyyah (1/111) – a book of Hanafi fiqh –: 

He was asked about a man whose wife with whom he had consummated the marriage died, and she had a sister; is it permissible for him to marry her sister one day after she died? 

Answer: Yes, as it says in al-Khulaasah narrating from the book al-Asl by Imam Muhammad; and as it says in Mabsoot Sadr al-Islam, as quoted from him by al-Quhustaani; and as it says in al-Muheet by Imam as-Sarkhasi… End quote. 

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:

Is it permissible for a man to marry the daughter of his wife's brother? 

He replied: It is not permissible for a man to marry the daughter of his wife's brother if the girl's paternal aunt is still married to him, just as it is not permissible either for him to marry the daughter of his wife's sister, if her maternal aunt is still married to him, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade a man to be married to a woman and her paternal aunt at the same time, or to a woman and her maternal aunt at the same time. 

The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) were unanimously agreed that that is forbidden because of this saheeh hadeeth. But if the paternal or maternal aunt dies or he has divorced her and the 'iddah has ended, then there is nothing wrong with him marrying the daughter of her brother or the daughter of her sister, because in this case he will not be married to them both at the same time.

End quote from Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz (21/8) 

Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: 

A man married a woman and she bore him children. Now he wants to marry the daughter of his wife's sister; is that permissible? 

He replied:

The wife is the maternal aunt of that sister's daughter, and the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "(A man) should not be married to a woman and her paternal aunt, or to a woman and her maternal aunt, at the same time." So it is not permissible for him to marry the daughter of his wife's sister so long as he is still married to his wife. But if he divorces her or she dies, and he marries her sister's daughter, there is nothing wrong with that. 

End quote from Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb (19/2)  

And Allah knows best.

2.    Ruling on consuming hemp protein


I want to ask about protein made from the hemp plant, which can be found in sporting goods stores in the UK. Is it permissible to consume this protein as a natural source of energy? This substance does not contain THC.

Praise be to Allaah.

It says in al-Mawsoo'ah al-'Arabiyyah al-'Aalamiyyah: 

Hemp (also known as Cannabis) is a plant that is sometimes cultivated for its strong fibres, which are obtained from the woody stems of the plant and are used in making string and various kinds of rope. 

Growing hemp is banned in most countries because it is possible to obtain a psychoactive substance from it, known as marijuana or hashish. End quote. 

The cannabis plant has a serious effect on the body, hence the fuqaha' in the past and at present have stated that it is forbidden to consume it, as has also been stated by legal systems worldwide. 

See also the answer to question no. 66227

The psychoactive substance in cannabis that has an effect on the brain and nervous system is that which the questioner referred to by its acronym THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. 

It is known that this psychoactive substance is not present in leaves other than the flowering or fruiting tops, and it is not present in the seeds. 

The military doctor Muhammad Fathi 'Eed (may Allah guide him) said: 

The cannabis plant is one of which cultivation is banned in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, which was ratified by the Protocol of 1972. That is with the exception of a small quantity that a country that is signatory to the Convention may need for scientific research purposes. 

The Convention clarified in clause (c) that what is meant by "cannabis" is any plant of the genus Cannabis, whether it is male or female, cultivated for the production of fibre or the production of drugs… 

In the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs it says: "Cannabis" means the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant (excluding the seeds and leaves when not accompanied by the tops) from which the resin has not been extracted, by whatever name they may be designated. 

The Convention stated that this definition does not include cannabis leaves that are not attached to the tops and it does not include the seeds. End quote from Jareemat Ta'aati al-Mukhaddiraat fi'l-Qanoon al-Muqaaran, 1/145, 146 

Based on that, if the protein that is derived from the cannabis or hemp plant is taken from one of these two things – other than the flowering tops and seeds – which are in fact free of THC, then there is nothing wrong with consuming it, so long as it does not have a negative effect on the body apart from what may be caused by the psychoactive substance. This is the general condition that applies to everything that is available in the market of natural or manufactured substances that claim to benefit the body by increasing energy. We have discussed this in our answer concerning the ruling on sports energy drinks. Please see the answer to question no. 163968

And Allah knows best.

3.    The one who reviles the Muslims and praises the kuffaar is on the edge of disaster


What is the ruling on one who reviles the Muslims and praises the kuffaar, and even wishes to be one of them?.

Praise be to Allaah.

Allah, may He be exalted, has instructed His believing slaves to love one another and to take one other as friends, and He has instructed them to hate His enemies and regard them with enmity for the sake of Allah. He has stated that friendship can only be among the believers and enmity is to be between them and the kaafirs; disavowing them is one of the basic principles of their faith and is part of perfecting their religious commitment. There are very many verses, hadeeths and comments of the early generation to that effect. 

For example, Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)"

[al-Maa'idah 5:51] 

"Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and they bow down (submit themselves with obedience to Allah in prayer).

And whosoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and those who have believed, as Protectors, then the party of Allah will be the victorious.

O you who believe! Take not for Auliya (protectors and helpers) those who take your religion for a mockery and fun from among those who received the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before you, nor from among the disbelievers; and fear Allah if you indeed are true believers"
[al-Maa'idah 5:55-57] 

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) explained that love for the sake of Allah and hate for the sake of Allah are among the signs of faith. Abu Dawood (4681) narrated from Abu Umaamah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever loves for the sake of Allaah and hates for the sake of Allaah, gives for the sake of Allaah and withholds for the sake of Allaah, will have perfected his faith."

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood 

Al-'Allaamah Abu't-Tayyib Siddeeq ibn Hasan al-Bukhaari (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-'Ibrah (p. 245): 

As for the one who praises the Christians and says that they are people of justice or that they love justice, and often speaks highly of them in gatherings and speaks ill of the sultan (Muslim ruler) and the Muslims, and attributes justice to the kuffaar naseefah and says that they free of injustice or oppression, the ruling on the one who praises them in this manner is that he is an evildoer who is disobeying Allah and committing a major sin, from which he has to repent and regret it, if he praises the kuffaar themselves regardless of the kufr (disbelief) that they follow. But if he praises them because they are disbelievers, then he is also a kaafir because he has praised the kufr that they are following. 

Shaykh 'Abd ar-Rahmaan al-Barraak (may Allah preserve him) said: 

The one who believes that the Jews and Christians are following a sound religion is a kaafir, even if he follows all the laws of Islam, and he is rejecting the general meaning of the message of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). 

Based on that, mentioning the good qualities of the kuffaar by way of praising, admiring and respecting them, is haraam because that is contrary to the rulings of Allah concerning them. End quote. 

Indeed, Imam an-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said, discussing the phrases that constitute apostasy: 

If a teacher of boys says: "The Jews are much better than the Muslims, because they give the one who teaches their boys all his rights," he has become a kaafir thereby.

End quote from Rawdat at-Taalibeen, 10/69 

If, along with reviling the Muslims and praising the kaafirs, he also wishes that he was one of them, then he is a kaafir who has gone beyond the pale of Islam. He should be asked to repent and he should be taught his religion; if he repents (all well and good), otherwise he is to be executed as an apostate by the ruler. 

See also the answer to question no. 6688 

And Allah knows best.


We ask Allaah the Most High, the All-Powerful, to teach us that which will benefit us, and to benefit us by that which we learn. May Allaah grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions




Best Regards?

Sheikh  M. Nasrullah       

Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo

Regional Data Centre (IT)

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Riyadh - 11421 (K.S.A)

(  : +966 (1) 4772228 xt: 317


    "Our Lord! grant us good in this world

and good in the hereafter, and save us

from the chastisement of the fire !"

(The Holy Qur'an 2:201 Ameen



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