Monday, October 29, 2012

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ Love Your Parents – Article by Ala Hazrat + Salam(Ta'hiyatul Muslim) [ 2 Combined Messages ]

Love Your Parents – Article by Aala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu)

Love Your Parents

Disobedience to one's father is disobedience to Allah Subhaanahu Wata'ala, and displeasure of
the father, is displeasure of Allah Ta'ala. If a person keeps his parents pleased, then that is his
Jannat (Heaven), and if he displeases them, then that is his hell. Until a person does not gain
the pleasure of his parents, neither are his fardh or his nafl actions accepted in actuality. Such
persons will not only be faced with punishment in the hereafter, but they shall face great
hardships even in this world. Allah forbid, but for such persons, there is a fear of not having
the opportunity of reciting the Kalima on their deathbed. Our Beloved Rasool (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned the following:

"Obedience to Allah is through obedience to ones father, and Allah's displeasure is through
the displeasure of ones father."

"Pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of the father, and displeasure of Allah is in the
displeasure of the father."

"Parents are either your heaven or your hell."

"The father is the middle door, from all the doors of Jannat. Now if you desire, then your may
lose this door or keep it protected."

"Three persons will not enter Jannat: one who disobeys his parents, a fornicator and a woman
who dresses like a man."

"The punishment for all sins, Allah will give in the hereafter, except for that of one who
disrespects his parents. He starts receiving his punishment whilst on earth."

"A forsaking (giving up) of the prayers for parents results in the cut off of a man's earnings."

"Offer Nafl Ibaadat on behalf of your parents. Whenever you do so, they get the sawaab of it
and in turn nothing in your own sawaab is decreased."

"Anybody going for Hajj on behalf of his father or mother gets the Hajj sanctioned to his
credit too. In fact he earns the reward from Allah Ta'ala ten times more than a single Hajj."
It is in one narration, that there was a young man who on his deathbed could not recite the
Kalima. This message came to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) who went to
him and reminded him of the Kalima, and he replied by saying that he could not recite it
(even though he tried). It was then confirmed that his mother was displeased with him. After
gaining her pleasure (forgiveness), then only was he able to recite the Kalima.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu) cites that in the holy service of the Beloved
Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) someone asked, "Ya Rasoolallah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) who is the most rightful with whom I should behave kindly?" He (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) replied, "Your mother." He again asked and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) replied "Your mother." He again asked and received the same reply. When he
asked the fourth time the Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ordered, "Your

Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu) says that the reason for this
excess stress is to offer superiority to the mother over the father in the matters concerning
their service, nursing or giving something .e.g. if you have hundred rupees you should give
twenty five rupees to the father and the rest of the seventy five rupees to the mother. Or if
both father and mother ask for a glass of water simultaneously, then you should serve the
mother first and then the father should be given the water afterwards. And if they have
returned from journey, then priority in pressing their feet should be given to the mother.
There is a consensus amongst the Ulema-e-Kiram (Religious heads) that a mother enjoys
superiority in the matters of nursing and attendance while the father bears greater rights as
far as the matter of respect is concerned.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu) narrates that once a man solicited before
the holy court of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), "Ya Rasoolallah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) I have committed a great sin. Can my expiation be granted?" The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked him if his mother was alive. He replied, "Yes." He was
then advised by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to behave kindly with her.
(Tirmizi) The moral is that the noble behaviour with parents serves as the Kaffaara
(compensation) of one's sins.

Aala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu) was asked,
"What are the rights of parents that are lasting upon the children even after death?" Aala
Hazrat (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu), amongst other things, mentioned the following points:

1) Always read Istighfaar and pray for them. Never be ignorant, idle or indifferent
towards these things.

2) Send them sawaab by giving sadqa, khairaat (charity) and doing righteous deeds as
per your ability and never minimize them. Recite salaah for them along with your
salaah and do fasting for them with your own.

3) If they could not go to Hajj, then you should perform Hajj (Hajje-Badal i.e. Hajj
being done for others who could not do it due to physical weakness or death), you
should settle out their zakaat if not paid, and distribute Kaffaara for any namaaz or
fasts they might have outstanding.

4) You should visit their graves every Friday and recite the Holy Quran in such a loud
voice so that they may hear it and confer the sawaab of it to their souls.

5) Never afflict pain and sadness on them in their graves by doing sinful action. This
is the greatest and most public right of them, they bear forever. The parents are
informed about all the good and bad actions of their children in their graves. Virtuous
deeds performed by their children delight them and their faces start shinning while
bad deeds offend them deeply and their hearts suffer restlessness and pains. So to
distress them even after their deaths and to sadden them in their graves is not a right
of parents.

O Muslims! After reading the above Hadith-e-Mubaraka and advice given by Aala Hazrat
(Radiallahu Ta'ala Anhu), you decide whether you are amongst those who are obedient to
their parents or those who are disobedient. If you are obedient, then definitely your soul must
have received great pleasure after reading the Ahadith of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam). If you feel that you have been disobedient, become conscious and ask your
parents for forgiveness, for death can come at any moment. Repent in the Court of Almighty
Allah, with the Wasila of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and please your parents,
so that you may protect your worldly life and your life in the hereafter from destruction. May

Almighty Allah bless us all with the guidance to always please our parents. Ameen



Salam Part One Islam
Salam Part One
Salam Part One

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