Sunday, October 28, 2012

♥Ξ♥[STAR FR!ENDS]♥Ξ♥ Fw: *AMAZING 'MAKKAH' MUSEUM*~{Door of Kabah~Replica of 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim'~'Mizab-e-Rehmat'~Hajar Aswad~Staircase of the 'Kaaba'(1240H)~Pillar of Kaba from the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) time!~Othmani Musshaf~Well of Zamzam~Red/Green

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From: quraishi <>
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From: Syed Sadruddin Hussain <>
nice mail

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 17:56:03 -0700
Subject: [ModerateMuslims] *AMAZING 'MAKKAH' MUSEUM*~{Door of Kabah~Replica of 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim'~'Mizab-e-Rehmat'~Hajar Aswad~Staircase of the 'Kaaba'(1240H)~Pillar of Kaba from the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) time!~Othmani Musshaf~Well of Zamzam~Red/Green Kiswah~& More!}

~'AS Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh'~
'Makkah Museum' in Makkah Mukarramah!!!
Absolutely amazing to see so many relics dating back to Prophet(peace & blessings be upon him) & to the very first creations of the two {2} most prominent Masjids in Islam~
[ Masjid al-Haram & Masjid al-Nabwi.]
This museum is absolutely beautiful from both the inside & outside! 'Masha'Allah'!!!
Pictures from the Makkah Museum in Makkah Mukarramah.

Situated some 10 minutes driving distance from Masjidul Haram in old Jeddah road....!

Makkah Museum Entrance!

The Well of Zamzam!

The Well of Zamzam.

Yet another view of the Well of Zamzam.

The Well of Zamzam.

The Well of Zamzam.

The Well of Zamzam ~
[under the Masjid ]

The Well of Zamzam ~

The Well of Zamzam ~['Alhamdullilah '] 

Replica of Maqam-e-Ibrahim!

Replica of Maqam-e-Ibrahim [different angle!]

Old Casing for Hajar Aswad !

Old Casing for Hajar Aswad !

Old Door of the Kabah !

Old Door of the Kabah !

Old Cover of the Door

Old Lock of the Kabah!

Old Architecture!!!

Green Kiswah (Cloth of the Kabah in Green,
The cloth was in different colours) Also similar to that used to veil the Rawdah...

Red Kiswah (Cloth of the Kabah in red)

The Water spout on the top of the Kabah!

Water Spout also known as 'Mizab-e-Rehmat' !

Pillar of the Kaba from the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) time!

Pilar of the Kaba

Pillar of the Kaba [another view ]

Base of the Pillar

Inside the Pillar!


Old Decor from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Masjid.

Old Door of Masjid-e-Nabawi

Old Door of Masjid-e-Nabawi

Old Door inside of Masjid-e-Nabawi
A teak staircase of the Holy Kaaba dating back to 1240H
The case which used to cover the stance (Maqam) of Prophet Ibrahim [Alaihi Salam]
A mouth piece of the Well of Zamzam with its ring and lid.*A pulley for lifting Zamzam water dating back to the end of the fourteenth century of the Hijrah. *A brass bucket which used to be in the Well of Zamzam dating back to 1299 H
Zamzam Well Lately
The frame of the Black Stone dating back to the reign Of the Ottoman Sultan Murad Khan
Portion of a marble pillar of a minarets of Holy Mosque in the era of Mameluke Sultan Sha'ban Bin Husain in 772 H.
The manual woven of the interior kisswah knitting of the Holy Ka'aba.
The Gutter of theHoly Ka'ba made of wood which is plated with gold from the outside and lead from inside.Dated 1273 H.
Door of Holy Ka'aba dating back to 1363 H made on order of
King Abdul Aziz!!!

Lock and key of the Holy Ka'aba dating back to the year 1309 H. of the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamiid II
A ruined portion of a wooden pillar of the Holy Ka'ba Dating
 back to 65 H!
A copy of the orginal Othmani Musshaf which was written in the era of Othman Bin Affan !!!

... My 'Salaams' to you all ...
... Y a s m i n ...
Say, 'Indeed, my Prayer, my Rites of Sacrifice,
my Living and my Dying are for ALLAH, Lord of the Worlds'.
{'Quran'~Surat Al-'An`am -# 6-162.}
"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever}
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour."
{'Quran'~ Surat Al-Rahman- # 55~26-27 }
I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground!
The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind,
Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!
'Insha Allah'~'Aameen'}

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