Wednesday, March 12, 2014

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ Women of Paradise! Khadija bint Khuwaylid

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Assalam'o'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi  Wa Barakatuhu 

Women of Paradise !
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Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Asalamu alaikum warahmatoAllahi wabaraktoho Quran Weekly. Welcome back to the SuperStars Series. The Prophet (SAWS) said that there is no doubt that Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha was the best woman of her times. And she, along with her daughter, are amongst the four women that perfect their faith. SubhanAllah! So think about that.
This woman Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha before the revelation of salaah, before the revelation of siyaam, before the revelation of zakaah or hajj, before the revelation of most of the rules and legislation, Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha managed to perfect her iman. And you might wonder how is that even possible? Because the Prophet (SAWS) is the one who told us that "أكمل المؤمنين إيماناً أحسنهم أخلاقا" ['akmal al mu'mineen eeman 'ahsanahom akhlaaq]- the most perfect of the believers in their faith are the ones who have the best character.
And Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha even before  Islam was known as "الطاهرة"[altaahirah] – the pure woman. And subhanAllah you see the marriage between her and the Prophet (SAWS). She is the daughter of 2 royal people, Khuwaylid and Fatima, and she was a rich woman, very wealthy business woman. She had been married before to some of the leaders of Quraish but she became a widow both times and subhanAllah she wants to marry the Prophet (SAWS) who is 15 years younger than her. Why? Because she started to ask around about his character. She asked Maysadar, she asked Nafisah. She wanted to know what the Prophet's (SAWS) character was like because she had seen so much honesty and truthfulness from him.
And that was her reason for pursuing him in accordance with the command that would come later on, "إذا أتاكم من ترضون دينه وخلقه فزوجوه" ['itha 'ataakom man tardawn deenaho wa khuluqaho fazawwijooh] – if somone comes to you with good religion and good character then you marry that person then you marry that person. Do not reject that person. And subhanAllah at that time you didn't have the revelation yet. you just had good character. Ald that's why the Prophet (SAWS) was pursued by her and that's why rasoolAllah (SAWS) accepted this woman for marriage who was 15 years older than him and was a widow 2 times and had a son, Handab ibn Abi Hala and all that baggage that would keep people away from a divorcee or a widowed woman today. But subhanAllah they came together for character and that is why there is not a single narrated fight or argument between the Prophet (SAWS) and Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha. But rather their marriage was praised by all of the people of Mecca .
Now when RasoolAllah (SAWS) had bestowed upon him the love for isolation and seclusion and the Prophet (SAWS) started to go to Hira and started to contemplate. And subhanAllah for anyone who has been to Mecca you can see that Hira is an hour's climb at least and that is with all the stairs and things of that sort nowadays. But imagine what it was like for the Prophet (SAWS) at that time to climb up there.
And Khadija radiayAllah ta'ala 'anha, she didn't say to the Prophet "Why are you staying away from home? why are you spending weeks up there? and sometimes over a month?" In fact, she supported the Prophet (SAWS) in trying to find guidance and trying to find those answers and she herself radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha, think about this. By the time the Prophet (SAWS) is 40, she is 55 now. She is climbing up that mountain to take food to the Prophet (SAWS) and to comfort the Prophet (SAWS). And then when the Prophet (SAWS) comes down from Hira and he comes to Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha with the famous words of "زملوني  دثروني" [zammilooni dathirooni]- embrace me, cover me up, seeking comfort in Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha, she didn't say to the Prophet (SAWS), "maybe you shouldn't be going out there so long. Maybe you should stay home more often. Maybe you shouldn't have been out there in the first place." Or, "you know I think you're getting a little crazy on us." She didn't say, "I think that it must be some demons or something like that." Rather, she would re-assure the Prophet (SAWS). She supported him emotionally and religiously here. Think about this. She says to the Prophet (SAWS), "والله لا يخزيك الله أبدا" [wallahi la yukhzeek Allah 'abada] -Allah (SWT) will never disgrace you.
Why did she say that Allah will never disgrace you? And she started to mention because you uphold the ties of kinship, you're good to you neighbors, and generous to them, you treat the orphans well, you take up the cause of the one who has been wronged. In essence what is she saying to the Prophet (SAWS)? She is saying Allah (SWT) loves you for the same reasons that I love you and the same reasons that I pursued you for marriage. Again, good khuluq is good eman. Good character is good eman.
She recognized those things in the Prophet (SAWS) and look at the way that this wife speaks about her husband.How beautiful that a spouse will speak about her spouse or a spouse would speak about his spouse in that beautiful manner. This is how I see you. And not only did she support him emotionally here, she said to the Prophet (SAWS) let's go to Waraqah ibn Nawfal, let's go to my cousin who is a Biblical scholar and let's see what he has to say. She's the one reassuring him (SAWS) and taking him over to Waraqah who would reveal to the Prophet (SAWS) that this was his first encounter with Jibreel (AS). Think about this.
And then 'Ali radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anhu who was raised in that household he recalls the nights where rasoolAllalh (SAWS) would wake up and pray. And Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha would wake up and stand right next to the Prophet (SAWS) and also pray. I mean that's incredible. She didn't say to the Prophet (SAWS) I don't know what this journey is that you're going on right now, but I'm not going to stand up and pray but I'll let you stand up and pray. She stood up and prayed with him (SAWS). So she gave him emotional support.
She gave him religious support. When the Prophet (SAWS) called to his people and the people rejected him she didn't say, "we were doing good in society, we had high status, and now our reputation is being tarnished," because she is the "pure woman" and he is the "most trustworthy" (SAWS). She stood by his side and reassured him and telling him that Allah (SWT) will bring victory to you and honor you. And then she even went to the length of financially supporting the Prophet's (SAWS) call and mission and purpose. And this woman who lived her life like a queen would support the Prophet (SAWS) with everything that she had. And subhanAllah even when times got so tough in the boycott on Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib and this woman who lived her whole life in luxury is now not even able to eat.
And she's in her 60's. And the only one who is delivering food is Hakeem ibn Hizaam (RA). the nephew of Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha. He would sneak food to her and some nourishment to her and to the Prophet (SAWS). And Abu Jahal caught him and even stopped that route. And this woman never says to the Prophet (SAWS), "Look at where we are? Look at what's happened to us?" But rather she stands by him with all loyalty and she says to the Prophet (SAWS) that she's by his side all the time.
And that's why when the Prophet (SAWS) lost her as a result of not being able to eat and drink properly, this woman was eating leaves radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha. And the Prophet (SAWS) loses her. Some sources say 3 days, some says 3 weeks, and in a matter of weeks after he loses his uncle Abu Taalib. When the Prophet (SAWS) loses her, he was devastated (SAWS). She was 65 years old whenever she died. And the Prophet (SAWS) was still a very youthful 50 year old man. He could have married many young women right away and thsi was his opening right? But the Prophet (SAWS) always remembered the loyalty that she had towards him adnt he Prophet (SAWS) only showed her the greatest loyalty. And that's why 'Aishah radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha says, "I never was jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet (SAWS) except for Khadija. And I've never even seen her before. I've never seen Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha before." But because the Prophet (SAWS) was obviously so moved every time any mention of her was made. If the Propeht (SAWS) heard the voice of her sister calling upon him, he would say, Allahumma Hala. Oh Allah it's Hala! And he would run because he remembered the voice of Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha. She says, "the Prophet (SAWS) never slaughtered a goat or a sheep except that he sent some of it to Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha. And anytime she was mentioned it would be visible on the Prophet's (SAWS) face that he was moved. And he would send gifts to her friends out of his loyalty to her (SAWS). And she says, "one time i got jealous and I said to the Prophet (SAWS) ' should you have gotten over now this old woman of QUraish that Allah (SWT) has replaced with something better?" And the Prophet (SAWS) became so angry, " And he says I swear by Allah , Allah did not give me something better than her." And he started to mention all of the forms of loyalty- "آمنت بي إذ كفر بي الناس" ['aamanat bi 'ith kafar bi alnaas] – she believed in me when no one else believed in me. "وصدقتني إذ كذبني الناس" [wasaddaqatnee 'ith kathabanee alnaas] – and she trusted me and considered me truthful when other people belied me and denied me. "وأنفقت بي إذ حرمني الناس" [w 'anfaqat bi 'ith haramani al naas] – and she spent on me when no one else would spend on me. "ورزقني الله ولدها" [warazaqani Allahu waladaha] – and Allah (SWT) gave me children from her. "إذ حرمني أولاد النساء" ['ith haramani awlaad al nisaa'] – And Allah (SWT) did not give me children from anyone else. And subhanAllah in honor of Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha is that it was only the children that were given to the Prophet (SAWS) through her that the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS) would survive. SubhanAllah! And when the Prophet (SAWS) saw even in the battle of Badr, when al-'Aas, who was married to their daughter, the Prophet and Khadija's daughter, Zaynab radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha, al-'Aas was married to her before jaahiliyya and here you had before Islam and here you had the Prophet (SAWS) capturing his son-in-law who came to kill him and who came to fight against and Zaynab sends her necklace, the necklace that was given to her by her mother Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha on her wedding night as ransom for al-'Aas, her husband. And the Prophet (SAWS) sees that necklace and it moves him so much that the Prophet (SAWS) says to the sahaba,"If you will, send her back her prisoner and send her back this necklace." Why did he say "if you will?" Because it wouldn't be fair to the sahaba who had to observe all of these rules and all of these laws if the Prophet (SAWS) exercised that exception just for himself. So he said to the sahaba, "if you all will…send back her prisoner, her husband and send back that necklace."
And the Prophet (SAWS) again remembering Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha. Think about this. Because of her loyalty to the Prophet (SAWS), Jibreel alayhi alsalam, the one who was sent with the revelation of the Qur'an is sent by Allah (SWT) to the Prophet (SAWS) to give salam; salam not to the Prophet (SAWS) per se. But to Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha. He says to the Prophet (SAWS) that you wife KHadija is coming to you right now and Allah (SWT) and Allah (SWT) sends his salam. And Jibreel (AS) sends his salam to her. And gives her the glad tidings of a house in paradise with no noise and no distress. SubhanAllah because of what she provided to the Prophet (SAWS) in this life of silence and tranquility and contentment and also provided the Prophet (SAWS) not with stress, but rather she wash is source of stress relief and it was when the Prophet (SAWS) lost Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha that the scholars says, "that's when Allah (SWT) gave the Prophet (SAWS) salaah." That's when Allah gave the Prophet (SAWS) those 5 daily prayers. He lost his emotional support in Khadija radiyaAllahu 'anha and rasoolAllah tasted the bitterness of this dunya and that's when Allah (SWT) gave him salaah. SubhanAllah! To replace that emotional loss, that emotion devastation of the Prophet (SAWS). And when rasoolAllah (SAWS) went back to Mecca , the only one he remembered whenever they told the Prophet (SAWS), "where would you like us to place your tent? where would you like us to have your residence? would you like to stay in this person's house or that person's house?" The Prophet (SAWS) said no, I want to stay in Hijoon, which is where Khadija radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha was buried.
And just as she believed in him, emotionally supported him and financially supported the Prophet (SAWS) responded to each one of those supports with du'a and with love and with loyalty.
And we take from that woman radiyaAllahu ta'ala 'anha the beautiful character of loyalty and good manners. We ask Allah to make us like the Prophet (SAWS) and Khadija radiyaAllah ta'ala 'anha in all of our affairs but specifically our marriages. We ask Allah (SWT) to grant us that concept of loyalty and that great character. And we ask Allah (SWT) to better our eman as a result. Allahumma ameen.
jazakomAllahu khayran
Wasalamu alaikum warahmatu Allahi wabarakatohu.
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