Sunday, April 7, 2013

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ Fw: Daily Qur'an & Hadith

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Assalam'o'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi  Wa Barakatuhu 

English Translation of Al-Quran
[20].Surah Taha [Tâ-Hâ]
Ayat 111. And (all) faces shall be humbled before (Allah), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. And he who carried (a burden of) wrongdoing (i.e. he who disbelieved in Allah, ascribed partners to Him, and did deeds of His disobedience), became indeed a complete failure (on that Day).
Ayat 112. And he who works deeds of righteousness, while he is a believer (in Islamic Monotheism) then he will have no fear of injustice, nor of any curtailment (of his reward). 
[Tafseer] (All) faces shall be humbled before (Him) - the Living, the Self-Subsisting, Eternal: hopeless indeed will be the man that carries iniquity (on his back). The metaphor of the burden of sin which the unjust carry on their backs is referred to in 20:100-101, in 6:31, and in other passages. Note that all faces, those of the just as well as of the unjust, will be humbled before Allah: the best of us can claim no merit equal to Allah's Grace. But the just will have Hope: while the unjust, now that the curtain of Reality has risen, will be in absolute Despair! But he who works deeds of righteousness, and has faith, will have no fear of harm nor of any curtailment (of what is his due). Unlike the unjust, the righteous, who have come with Faith, will now find their Faith justified: not only will they be free from any fear of harm, but they will be rewarded to the full, or, as has been said in other passages, where His bounty rather than His justice is emphasised, they will get more than their due reward.  
English Translation of Hadith  
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) said, "On the Resurrection Day, the rights will be paid to those to whom they are due so much so that a hornless sheep will be retaliated for by punishing the horned sheep which broke its horns".
[Muslim Book 32, Chapter 13, Hadith # 6252]. 
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Taha Ayat 112."then he will have no fear of injustice, nor of any curtailment" This Hadith makes it abundantly clear that there will be utmost justice on the Day of Resurrection. So much so that Allah will redress even the grievance of the aggressed animals against the aggressors. Thus, this Hadith serves a severe warning for people. When animals, who are devoid of sense, will not be forgiven, how would mankind be, which is gifted with senses? The latter will not be pardoned if they are guilty of having been unjust to anyone without adequately compensating them.  
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