Sunday, September 9, 2012

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ *PROPHET[Peace be upon him]*EXCELLENT*{!}~{A Hadith that may make U Cry 'Subhan’Allah!}[Ibn al-Qayyim]

'Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah'.

Rose Vine

'As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu'.

Dreams of Hope~{!!!}

{A Hadith that makes one Cry 'Subhan'Allah!}



Ibn al-Qayyim records the hadith that was related by Abdurahman ibn Samra.

He said that the....


Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him) said:-



I saw something amazing yesterday....

I saw a man from my ummah having the Angel of Death coming to him to seize his soul.

Then came good dealings with his Parents

(to intercede for him) and the Angel of Death left him!

And I saw a man whose torment in the grave was about to come

upon him.

Then came his ablutions (wudoo) and saved

him from that!

Then I saw a man from my ummah who had been surrounded by Devils.

Then came the remembrance of Allah (Adkar & Dhikr)

~and the devils were driven away from him.

And I saw a man of my ummah who was surrounded by the angels of punishment, then there came his prayers (Salah) and he was rescued from their hands !

And I saw a man from my ummah who was panting from thirst.

When he got close to them, he was prevented from every jug of water and they were taken away from him.

Then came his fasting of the month of Ramadhan and, therefore, he drank and was satisfied !

I saw a man from my ummah and I saw prophets sitting in groups.

Every time the man went to the circles he was driven away. Then came his washing (Ghusl) from major defilement (Janabah), and they took him by his hand and sat him besides me.

And I saw a man from my ummah, in front of him was darkness, behind him was darkness, on his right was darkness, and on his left was darkness, and above him was darkness, and below him was darkness.

And he was lost in the darkness.

Then There came his pilgrimage (Hajj) and lesser pilgrimage (Umrah) and they Took him out of the darkness and entered him into light !

And I saw a man from my ummah who was being burned by a fire.

Then there came his charity (Sadaqah)

and it formed a cover between him and the fire.!

~And it provided a shade over

his head !

And I saw a man from my ummah who was talking to the believers, but they would not talk to him.

Then there came his keeping of family relations (upholding ties of kinship) and it said:-

Oh gathering of Muslims, he kept together family ties so speak with him.. Therefore, the believers talked to him and they shook his hand!

And I saw a man of my ummah who was encircled by the angels who throw the disbelievers into Hell.

Then there came his

ordering the good and

forbidding the evil !

[Amr Bil marouf wanahi anil munkar]

~ so he was rescued from their hands.

And he was entered among

the angels of mercy !

And I saw a man from my ummah who was kneeling and between him and Allah there was a curtain.

Then there came his good character (ikhlaq) and he was taken by his hand and permitted to be with Allah.

And I saw a man from my ummah whose recorded deeds were taken from his left hand. Then there came his fear of Allah and he took his papers and had them placed on his right side!

And I saw a man from my ummah who had a very light weight on the scale. Then there came his young children who had died and his weight was increased !

I saw a man from my ummah who was on the brink of the hell-fire.

Then there came his hope in Allah and he was rescued from it and he moved on from it.

I saw a man from my ummah who was thrown

in the fire.

Then there came his tears that he cried out of fear of Allah and he was rescued from that.

And I saw a man from my ummah standing along a path that was shuddering in the same way that a limb of a palm tree shudders on a stormy night.

Then there came his good thoughts about Allah and the

shuddering was stopped !

And I saw a man from my ummah crawling on the path

[over the hell-fire].

Sometimes he was crawling on it and sometimes he was hanging from it.

Then there came his prayers upon the Prophet and he was made to stand on his feet and he passed over it!

And I saw a man from my ummah who came to the doors of Paradise and they were closed in front of him.

Then there came his testifying that

there is no God except Allah and the doors were opened for him and he entered into Paradise!


This is narrated by Al-Haafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni in Al-Targheeb fi'l-Khisaal al-Munjiyah min al-Khiliaal al Murdiyah, His book based on this hadith, on which it is a commentary. He said, this had this hasan jiddan, and is narrated from Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyib by 'Amr ibn Aazar and 'Ali ibn Zayd ibn Jad'aan and Hilaal Abu Jablah.

Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah used to regard this hadith as being very important, and I heard that he said that there were corroborating reports.

Also included in Dr. Umar Sulaiman al Ashqar's [Professor at the College of Shariah, University of Jordan] Book called " The World of Jinn and Devils Chapter 5 part 4 pg.184.

My 'Salaams' To You All.

Y a s m i n.

Rose Vine

"Never Despair Of The Mercy Of Allah"

"I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground,
The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind,
Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes!"

Inshallah 'Aameen'

Rose Vine

' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever

each day passes then part of you has Gone!

{Al-Hasan Al-Basree}

پاکستان کسی بھی پاکستانی کے لئے اللہ کی سب سے بڑی نعمتوں میں سے ایک ہے. آج ہم جو بھی ہے یہ سب اس وجہ پاکستان کی ہے ، دوسری صورت میں ، ہم کچھ بھی نہیں ہوتا. براہ مہربانی پاکستان کے لئے مخلص ہو.
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Karachi Pakistan
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