Wednesday, February 22, 2012

█▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ Fwd: Part 5 Refuting GF HADDAD : Ya Shaykh Madad Istighatha or Istiana

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From: Sword of Allah <>
Date: 2012/2/22
Subject: Part 5 Refuting GF HADDAD : Ya Shaykh Madad Istighatha or Istiana
To:,, Fahad Ashrafi <>,


['ad-Durar al-Kaamina' of ibn Hajr under the biography of ibn Taymiyyah (1/159) and 'Dhail Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah' (2/392) of ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee.](translation taken from brother Abu Rumaisa's article)

and 5thly Taqi ud din Subki said followers of Ibn e Arabi Soofi are Deviants. 

ومن كان من هؤلاء الصوفية المتأخرين كابن عربي وغيره فهم ضلال جهال خارجون عن طريقة الإسلام 

"Whoever is from amongst the later soofiyah like IbnArabee and others then they are ignorant. they  are outside the way of Islam"

Mughni Al Mohtaj 3/61

Haddad Said:

<Ya `Abd al-Qadir adrikni)!" and "O Ahmad al-Badawi give us support (Ya Badawi madad)!" they belong to the figurative language of the mind just as the application of someone who would say to his food: "Satisfy me!" or to his water: "Quench my thirst!" or to his medicine: "Heal me!"  The food does not satisfy, nor does the water quench the thirst, nor the medicine heal.  But the One who is the real Satisfier of our hunger, the Quencher of our thirst and the Healer of our ills is Allah alone.  The food, the water, the medicine are only the proximate or secondary causes which custom has established on the surface of things by our mind's regular association of them with certain concomitant events.>>


Here GF HADDAD refuted himself by giving example of FOOD,WATER AND MEDECINE because when we say Medicine heal me, does that mean Medinice is hearing ?? No

When we say to water Quench my thirst Does that mean Water is listening??NO

Same way Prophets and Auliyah can not hear us and when they can not hear how can they help? They can only hear in few situations and that is other issue. as haddad said "The food does not satisfy, nor does the water quench the thirst,." let me change this sentence by changing food with Shaykh Jeelani and water with Ahmad Al Badawi,  "Shaykh Jeelani does not satisfy, nor does Ahmad Al Badawi can help us." So when they can not even help then why to call them and going against Quran and Sunnah?? this is Ridiculous.

2ndly If Haddad or his follower Invoke To ABDUL QADIR JEELANI RAH and others then they are actually calling satan not to pious auliyah.

Here is evidence

Surah al nisa ayah117.

They (all those who invoke others than Allah) invoke nothing but female deities besides Him (Allah), and they invoke nothing but Shaitan (Satan), a persistent rebel!

it's a proof that they invoke nothing but SATAN not AULIYAH AND PROPHETS

Commentary of ibn e kathir.

(and they invoke nothing but Shaytan, a persistent rebel!) means, Shaytan has commanded them to do this and made it seem fair and beautiful in their eyes. Consequently, they are worshipping Shaytan in reality, just as Allah said in another Ayah,
(Did I not command you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaytan) Allah said that, on the Day of Resurrection, the angels shall proclaim about the idolators who worshipped them in this life:

(Nay, but they used to worship the Jinn; most of them were believers in them)(end)

Proven that Mushriks do not invoke Prophets and Auliyah But Satan.

Haddad Said

Shaykh Khayr al-Din Ramli in his Fatawa Khayriyya (p. 180-181) was asked about "those who say: O Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir! O Shaykh Ahmad! O Rifa`i! [Give us] something for the sake of Allah (shay'un lillah) O `Abd al-Qadir! and such, at which time they become greatly entranced and experience states that make them jump up and down etc. He answered - Allah have mercy on him: 'Know first of all that among the famous rules that are firmly put to use in the books of the Imams is the rule that matters are judged according to their ends... as taken from the hadith of the Two Shaykhs al-Bukhari and Muslim: Actions are only according to intentions.... and none denies the reality of the Sufis except every ignorant, foolish soul.'"


1st of all this fatwa does not state its allowed to ask help 2ndly even if he said then (Khayr ad din ramli is not in salaf he is scholar of 10th century that is he died in 1081 h) so we say he erred if he said its allowed and he is against QURAN and majority of scholars.

And then the Article says

An Incident of Istighatha During the Lifetime of the Prophet (s)

It is related that:

One night, the Prophet of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - was in his house and was heard to proclaim 'I am here!' (labayk!) three times and 'You have been granted help' also three times (nusirta!). Umm al- Mu'minin, Maymunah - may Allah be well pleased with her - asked the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - whom he had been talking to since there was no one present. He - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - replied, 'I was talking to a person called Rajiz from the tribe of Bani Ka'ab. He asked for help from me against the Quraysh.' Umm al- Mu'minin, Maymunah - may Allah be well pleased with her - said that when she finished Fajr prayer the next morning, she heard Rajiz calling out in the streets of Madina: "Ya Rasul Allah! Help us and call the servants of Allah to help us."


Hafidh Tabrani himself said

 وفي ذلك يرغبون لم يروه عن جعفر إلا محمد بن نضلة تفرد به يحيى بن سليمان ولا يروى عن ميمونة إلا بهذا الإسناد

"..No one has narrated this from Ja`far except Muhammad ibn Nadlah Yahyaa ibn Sulaimaan was (also) alone in narrating it, and it is not narrated from Maimoonah (radiyallaahu `anhaa) except with this Chain."


here we can see double standards of GF HADDAD, he himself said

It is impermissible to say that the `aqida of Muslims today is different from that of the Sahaba but Ahl al-Sunna only admit mutawatir-rank evidence as a basis in defining Islamic `aqida. Only a handful of innovators such as Albani differed. source: (see question no: 7)

Here he accused Shaykh Al Bani Rahimullah but he himself is taking Khabar al Wahid and that also is weak report as he himself said "both with a slightly weak chain because of Yah.yâ ibn Sulaymân ibn al-Madînî", MAY ALLAH GUIDE HIM AMEEN

A brother Rightly said in a Forum (

How come in Tawheed-ul-Asmaa' was-Sifaat these people deny almost all of Allaah's Attributes claiming that akhbaar-ul-aahaadaren't evidence in `Aqeedah, but it is these same ones who without any shame, unhesitatingly use weak and feeble akhbaar-ul-aahaad to justify Shirk in Uloohiyyah?!

Why the double standards?!(end quote)


Further Critique on Chain


Imaam Haythami in Majma al Zawaid in Hadith No: 10232 Vol 6 Page 160

رواه الطبراني في الصغير والكبير وفيه يحي بن سليمان بن نضلة وهو ضعيف

"Narrated by Tabrani in Sagheer and Al Kabeer, It has Yahyaa ibn Sulaimaan ibn Nadlah who is a weak" 


Ibne Hibban said

Makes mistake and Iham

Thiqqat vol 9 page 269

Ibne Hajar Quoted

Ibne Khiraash Said لا يسوى شيئا.

Leesan ul Meezan Vol 8 Page 450 no: 8471

Ibn Adi said in al-Kamil (7:255 no: 2156) said "he narrated reports from Mâlik and the Madinans, most of which are valid."

So how can we take Creed from the Narrator who is weak and makes mistakes and alone in narrating it?

2nd narrator Muhammad bin nadla 

Sheikh Shua'yb al Arnau't in his Tehqeeq of Sharh Muskhil al Athar (Vol 14 Page 391 no: 5701) commenting on a different hadith he said that Chain is Weak and he could not find a biography of Muhammad bin Nadhla.

A brother in A forum said taken from (

On top of this, the person whom he narrated it from, his uncle Muhammad ibn Nadlah seems to be an unknown narrator (majhool-ul-`ayn). I failed to find any Imaam's comments regarding him, or any person narrating from him other than his nephew. Shaykh Abdul-Quddoos Nadheer said in his checking of Majma`-ul-Bahrayn: "I did not find his biography... it is not known who he is." (5/118-119).

Please Visit this link for detailed Reply

Tawassul Series Hadith of Maimuna Where Prophet Said Labbayk

Related links

a) Asking from Dead is Shirk From Quran Sunnah and Ijma

b) Commentary on the Hadeeth "I have Been Granted the Keys to (All) Treasures On Earth"


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