'Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu Narrated Qais: Jarir said:- "We were with the Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him.) and he looked at the full-moon--and said:- 'Certainly you will see your Lord as you see this moon and you will have no trouble in seeing Him. So if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before the sun-rise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset ('Asr), you must do so.' He then recited Allah's Statement:- " And celebrate the praises Of your Lord before The rising of the Sun And before (its) Setting." { Source:- Quran Surah Al Qaf ~50.39 } Isma'il said:- "Offer those prayers and do not miss them. {Source:-"Bukhari "Hadith # 529.}
| Narrated Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa: My father said:- "Allah's Apostle( Peace Be Upon Him.) said:- 'Whoever prays the two cool prayers ('Asr and Fajr) will go to Paradise.' Source:-Bukhari # 548 ~ S.Bukhari- Hadith's #'s 529 & 548.
| My " SALAAMS " to You All. Y a s m i n. "All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever} the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour" {'Quran'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.26-27 } 'Wasting time is Worse than Death! Because Death Separates you from this World Whereas wasting Time Separates you from Allah'. Ibn Qayimm Al-Jawziyyah. I Want to Die With my Forehead on the Ground! The Sunnah in my Heart, Allah on my Mind, Qur'an on my Tongue, and Tears in my Eyes! 'Insha Allah'! ' Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone. {Al-Hasan Al-Basree}